Get a Proclamation Signed

Requesting a proclamation for International Dark Sky Week is an easy and simple way to get involved!

Introducing a proclamation is a great way to start relationships with local officials, raise awareness about the harmful effects of light pollution, and get people thinking about the importance of dark skies.

What is a community DarkSky proclamation? 

A Dark Sky Proclamation is a signed ceremonial document that a representative of a community or organization can sign as an official statement of support. It is not legally binding but a symbol of support and intention—a great first step in getting more people on board in the fight against light pollution.

How do I get a proclamation signed? 
  1. Check out these instructions and templates for International Dark Sky Week proclamations.
  2. Fill out this form to let us know where you're working towards a proclamation.
  3. Check this spreadsheet to see if anyone is already working on a proclamation in your area. 
  4. Use the #proclamations channel in our Slack group to network with other advocates, join here.
  5. Check out this Drive folder with last year’s certified proclamations if you need inspiration.
  6. Finally, check out the recordings of a presentation on how to get an IDSW proclamation here. 
    1. Slides
    2. Recording

Our goal

In 2023, we had 100 successful proclamations worldwide. Our goal in 2024 is to have at least 200 IDSW-submitted proclamations worldwide!


186 Proclamations
Goal: 200 Proclamations